Income investigation
Provided they have an enforcement order (judgement, order, coercion, …), the judicial officers are entitled, since 26/11/2018, to get directly and instantly access to the data available in the Central Databank of Social Security (BCSS).
It should be noted that before 26/11/2018, to get informed about the sources of income of a debtor, various organisations had to be questioned by letter (Social Security Services, National Employment Office, Federal Public Service in charge of Pensions, …), with all involved additional costs and waste of time.
Henceforth, owing to the new app implemented by the National Chamber, we can instantly know whether a debtor has an employer (and the latter’s particulars) or if he receives unemployment benefits or a pension for example.
This allows us to establish more quickly a complete profile of the debtors than before and therefore to determine even more efficiently how to favourably follow up the file.