« The office acts as a true partner :
we do not only work for you, but above all together with you   »

creditworthiness analysis

Creditworthiness Analysis

No more unnecessary costs !

With a database containing over two million entries, the office is able to perform a full and efficient screening of the creditworthiness of your debtors, and therefore to predict the outcome of the proceedings, which avoids incurring costs to no avail.

Logo EAB Check

recovery of debts

Recouvrement à l'amiable

Some of your claims remain unpaid ?

The individual / legal person owing money to you does not follow up your proceedings and payment reminders?

You want to move up a gear in the recovery of your claims but do not consider initiating Court proceedings for the moment?

recovery of debts

Recouvrement judiciaire

The amicable proceedings are no longer sufficient ?

In spite of your amicable proceedings and reminders, your debtor still fails to comply / contests the debt / refuses to pay?

We can convoke the opposing party before the court having jurisdiction (summons) in order to seek compulsory recovery of your claim.

Comparative analysis
Judicial Officers / Debt collection agencies

How to choose between a Judicial Officer and a debt collection agency ?

Many companies facing non-payment problems ask themselves the question: is it better to call upon a Judicial Officer or upon a debt collection agency? To help you see more clearly and understand the advantages and disadvantages, we performed a comparative analysis.

You have received a deed or letter and want to react ?

The Bordet office in a few words

Huissiers de justice - Étude Bordet

At your service since 1976

The Bordet office has existed since 1976 and acts as a true partner at your service.

We offer a first line legal service provided by over 80 highly qualified and experienced officers, a service at the level of the assessment of the creditworthiness of the debtors (screening / scoring) as well as a claim recovery service, amicable as well as judicial.

Latest news of the office

Etude Huissiers Bordet - Nouveau bureau huissier Malmedy

New office in Malmedy

In date of 17 August 2018, Mr. Antoine Delfosse who has been collaborating with the office for several years was appointed Judicial Officer in the canton of Malmedy.
Etude Bordet - Espace client

New functionalities

The applicants who wish so can henceforth submit their files directly online via our website.
Etude Bordet - Diminution des coûts des huissiers

Strong cost savings !

Currently, to file a case, the judicial officer and therefore his applicant must make an advance payment of scheduling fees varying between 30 euros and 375 euros depending on the court. This fee must subsequently be recovered from the debtor after the judgement has been rendered.


S.C.-S.P.R.L. Alain Bordet
Judicial Officers

Quai des Ardennes 118-119,
4031 Angleur - Liège

Legal notices

Company Number : 0478.382.719
VAT Number : BE 0478382719
Reg. Civ. Comp. Liège : n° 1415

BE58 0689 0930 2679

Copyright © 2019 Office Bordet - Judicial Officers. Website by Image & Communication